By Milo Strauss as part of the Desde Aquí Project. From Here.
(Only Deutsch and Spanish)

Kühler Realismus ist die Feststellung, das mittlerweile rund 70% aller in Lateinamerika ansässigen, international agierenden Unternehmen Programme zur „Sozialen Unternehmensverantwortung“ eingerichtet haben. Wie magischer Realismus scheint die Tatsache, dass man im Oktober 2008 in Managua, Nicaragua zu Fuß von einem Zeltlager unheilbar kranker Bananenplantagenarbeiter aufbrechen konnte, um wenig später in einem Zeltlager unheilbar kranker Zuckerplantagenarbeiter anzukommen. Obwohl die BewohnerInnen beider Lager aus derselben Gegend, dem Westen Nicaraguas stammten, lag eine Generation und die Entdeckung der „Sozialen Unternehmensverantwortung“ zwischen ihnen. Wie ein Vorzeigeprojekt der „Sozialen Unternehmensverantwortung“ in Chichigalpa, Westnicaragua seine größten Erfolge feiern konnte, ohne den es umgebenden Tod und Zerfall zu berühren, behandelt der folgende Text.

Installation Sound Video Vinylbox-Release

SCHLAUCH was founded in Graz in 1991 with the aim of developing and constructing sound machines, control units, trigger circuits and feedback systems on an analogue basis. The term music was abandoned in favor of the broader term sound production. Experiments in extreme areas with organic material – mainly with their own bodies – became trend-setting for the work of the collective.

From the distance of exile we see this country

2020 – 2023
It is a small country, which does not reach 10 million inhabitants. It is part of the group of countries that are south of Mexico, a region known as Central America right in the center of the continent. Due to its location, it is considered a strategic base for the control that the United States has in the region, highlighting the paramilitary army called “La Contra” that was formed in southern Honduras in the 1980s, in response to the Sandinista Revolution that occurred in Nicaragua. Currently, Honduras is suffering the consequences of a century of military governments, linked to the foreign policy of the United States.

These are the last words of George Floyd, a 46-year-old man who died as a US police officer pinned him down, kneeling on his neck for almost nine minutes. (source: LINK

…and what will we see? the tunnel at the end of the finite horizon? Montage: H.J. Schubert

Textinstallation Darwin Andino, Comayagua, Honduras, 2021

Where is the money? – A question that is currently being publicly put to the government in Honduras. Probably not only in Honduras?

Margret Kreidl, I am a democracy
Text intervention as part of art contains 2020, photo: Lucas Cejpek