Interferences – proti severu – proti jugu/ northbound – southbound

Episode 15


Petra Kohlenprat
glasba/music: Luka

Saturday, June 10, 2017, 2 p.m.
v soboto, 10. junija 2017 ob 14. uri

Pr‘ Mih, Loibltal
Brodi 1 9163 Unterbergen/Podgora

On his way to work from Begunje to adjecent Ferlach, Josef Renko sits down on the bench in front of House Loibltal/Brodi 1 for a short rest. Miha Kohlnprat offers him schnaps, they exchange some news. From 1904 on, love makes Josef stay in Ferlach. During this time, Mila’s son, Anton, works as a gunsmith in Ferlach. Now Anton stops off at Josef’s. The last time shortly after 1920. Like many gunsmiths from Ferlach who don’t feel safe here any more due to their region of provenance and ethnic affiliation, Anton decides to build a life in Kranj. Years later, work will take the gunsmiths to Kragujewac. Looking for security elsewhere, Josef’s daughter, Aloisia, moves away as well. At House Loibltal/Brodi 1, the stories of these people are being narrated.

follow-up in Graz, fall 2017.


pripovedi/Erzählungen: Petra Kohlenprath
glasba/Musik: Luka Ropret

Cooperated with

Supported by

With friendly assistance of Kulturamt/Stadt Graz, Kulturabteilung/Land Steiermark and Bundeskanzleramt – Sektion 2 Kunst


photo: 1928, gunsmith in Ferlach, Kragujevac, archive Kohlenprath, photographer: unknown