f) Getting down to the nitty-gritty. Unlocking the city
Milo Strauss, Florian Sorgo
Landlord’s Game: “Wild Game” instead of “Bread & Circuses”
Thursday, December 21, 2023, 7 p.m.
RHIZOM, Annenstraße 52, 8020 Graz, Austria
As the next incarnation of Purgatorium RHIZ*, we are inventing a board game in which practices of self-determined living become consultable. As an inspiration serves Lizzie Magie’s “The Landlord’s Game” from 1904, which was developed to playfully point out the dangers of a privatized real estate market. During a long history of capitalized theft of ideas, it perverted into the world-famous board game “Monopoly”.
We ask ourselves whether games can change the world or if they just bind us to our private lives so we can – like proverbial Biedermeiers – hide from the torments of the world. Therefore, at a stopover. we want to play games that try to do the first (change the world) and that are intended to strengthen us for the onward journey to a – playful, yet serious – liberation from speculative-capitalist logics.
This evening is intended to offer a taste of “Purgatorium RHIZ* – f) Unlocking the city”. We playfully refuse the crisis and exchange the game board for a scope of play. We want amusement as a focus rather than a distraction – and swap bread for cake. So that, in the end, the bank or Benkos don’t always win.
Supported by:
Cultural Office of the City of Graz (Kulturamt der Stadt Graz)
Cultural Department of the State of Styria (Kulturabteilung des Landes Steiermark)
Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sport (BMKÖS_Bundesministerium Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport)