
Nicaragua 1989

Front fassade of KIZ-Kino im Augarten, Graz
June 1989

Nicaraguan artist and former head of Mural Art School Managua, Leonel Cerrato Jiron, designs a mural painting for the front fassade of Augarten cinema. The mural purpots the current developments in Nicaragua 20 years after the revolution and the Somoza dictatorship’s downfall. During the mural’s realisation Leonel Cerrato Jiron is a guest of RHIZOM.
Since Mexico’s great muralistas of this century (Rivera, Siquieros, Oroszco) the pictorial design of walls to impart revolutionary topics and useful knowledge for the common man has been a Latin American tradition.

Art in open space (mural painting)


Leonel Cerrato Jiron, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
With the assistence of Conny Köberl and Jürgen Schiefer, students at Master Class for Painting, HTL Ortweinplatz

Cooperated with

In cooperation with the „Nicaragua libre“ society and Dr. Dieter Schrage (former managing director Museum of Modern Art Vienna)

Supported by

With the assistence of Kulturamt der Stadt Graz and Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Sport
We thank Gerhard Loyen, head of Meisterschule für Malerei, HTL Ortweinplatz, Graz