Seismographics and other shakes and tremors
An installation by an.thon
May 28 – June 18, 2020
RHIZOM homebase, Annenstraße 52, 8020 Graz
… In April 2020, hardly anyone wanted to know or could have known that “a glass broke in China”* and that a virus embarked on its journey in a “natural” way (bat-wing-esque). Like thoughts.
Sensitive people feel tremors and precautiously start stockpiling vital necessities, others follow their perception – in a state of intense excitement – to a different direction. On a bus trip from Graz to Gleisdorf, for instance. Angelika Thon shows the results of her personal endeavor to translate internal and external shakes and tremors.
… The hand acts as a seismograph and transmits movements, e.g. those of a moving bus, via a pen on paper.
… A chalk line (a masonry tool for marking walls) is used as a medium to set spaces into vibration.
*”I even feel guilty when a glass breaks somewhere in China.” From: NORMALSATZ Heinz Emigholz, USA / D 1978-81, 105 min
covid 19 regulations
Take five
On each opening date, a maximum of five people may be present in the exhibition space. We therefore ask for registration by phone or text message:
T 0664-7850433 > Specifications: name, date, time
You have to bring your own face masks, disinfectant is provided. Special appointments after prior arrangement by phone.
Every Thursday
May 28, June 04, June 11, June 18, 2020
6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m.
Supported by
With friendly assistance of Kulturabteilung/Land Steiermark
With friendly assistance of Kulturamt/Stadt Graz