betonix I
… so that it doesn’t go on like this – out of immediate concern
June 30 – July 9, 2022
RHIZOM homebase, Annenstraße 52, 8020 Graz, Austria
According to environmental experts, Austria is the “European champion” in building on and consuming green spaces.
Every day, an area equivalent to 30 soccer fields is being covered in concrete.
In Styria, it’s about one soccer field per day. In Graz, 10 m2 every hour.
Experts are now calling for an end to new sealing of agricultural grassland.
The consumption of land, they say, is causing a continuous loss of productive soil.
Once an area is sealed, it is almost impossible to transform it back into a natural surface.
… so that it doesn’t go on like this – out of immediate concern
EXHIBITION_photo documentation of recently sealed open spaces (since 2021) and vacant properties in Gleisdorf and the city’s vicinity;
Installation art with collected earths; photo portraits “Holding Earth”; information desk: examples of good practice
Project management: Angelika Thon_an.thon
Project group: individuals from the fields of science, art and craft
WORKSHOP_soil and rain in the city
DI Martin Regelsberger, Cultural Engineering and Water Management
Approaches to sustainable soil and water management in Graz;
Exploration of the surroundings of Annenstraße with special attention to existing open land and water management facilities and identification of unused potential.
Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2022
19 Uhr
Freitag, 01.07.2022
15-19 Uhr
Es sind keine fachlichen Vorkenntnisse nötig.
Die Teilnahme ist unentgeltlich.
Öffnungen: 02.–09.07 .:
Sa. 02.07 ., So.03.07 ., Mi. 06.07 .,
Do. 07 .07 ., Fr. 08.07 ., Sa. 09.07 .,
jeweils 17-20 Uhr
bis 09. Juli 2022
betonix II wird im Herbst 2022 im öffentlichen Raum Gleisdorf stattfinden.
Kooperationen (seit 2021 ): Bürgerinitiative wake up, Gleisdorf; Verein LAMES & Sonnenpark,NÖ;
Lichtblicke – Neuigkeiten für Unverzagte; Kulturpakt Gleisdorf; Stadtgemeinde Gleisdorf/Kultur & Marketing,
Mag. Eva Lassnig; FairWandelFest, Gleisdorf; Ökologische Tischlerei Puhr, Gleisdorf;
Supported by
Kulturabteilung des Landes Steiermark
Kulturamt der Stadt Graz