Нова реальність New Reality
RHIZOM Annenstraße 52
8020 Graz
August 4, 2022
У лютому 2022 року світ змінився. У виставці ми показуємо те, як виглядає нова реальність кожного українця і як бачать її два дуже різні художники, які залишили Харків через війну.
Роботи Антона показує буденні речі, які узвичаїлися кожного українця після початку повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну – великі та маленькі зміни, які переслідують кожного у повсякденному житті.
Новий побут українця – це зруйновані будинки на твоїй вулиці, які ти проходиш дорогою до магазину. Це напис „ДІТИ“ на машині, яка їде до іншої області. Це вже знайомі та звичні всім правила евкауації та світломаскування.
Робота Світлани – це метафорична розповідь про те, за яких умов ці правила нового побуту формувалися протягом останніх п‘яти місяців. Ми бачимо руйнування та смерті, які стали тлом для життя мільйонів людей.
In February 2022, the world changed. The exhibition provides insights into the new reality of Ukrainians from the perspective of two very different artists who left Kharkiv because of the war.
Anton’s works show mundane things that have entered the lives of all Ukrainians since the beginning of the Russian invasion, which went far beyond military aspects – big and small changes that each individual is confronted with on a daily basis.
The new everyday life of Ukrainians – it is the destroyed houses in your street, which you pass on your way to the store. It is the sticker “ДІТИ” (CHILDREN on board) on the car, on the way to another “oblast”, as the Ukrainian administrative units are called. It is the rules of evacuation and blackout measures, which are already abundantly familiar and have become a habit.
Svitlana’s work is a metaphorical account of the conditions which these rules of the new Ukrainian daily life have emerged from over the past five months. The scenes of destruction and death playing out before our eyes have become the backdrop to the lives of millions of people.
Thursday, August 4, 2022
6 p.m.
The artist and the curator will be present.
Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag
jeweils 17–20 Uhr
127 garage
Annenstraße 52
8020 Graz
T +43/660-7392829
(Nastia Khlestova, Kuratorin)
Svitlana Zhitnya is a New media visual artist from Kharkiv, Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war fled to Austria and now is based in Graz. Works in the direction of generative art, creating interactive audio-visual installations, virtual reality, and scenography. The artist reflects on the theme of loneliness, and isolation, simulating situations of uncertainty that find an emotional response from the viewer. With the help of video projections, the artist visualizes the emotional background of the music, thus creating new forms of communication with the viewer. Also designs virtual reality spaces for immersive audio-visual performance experiences.
Took part in the development of a number of theater and music show projects as a set designer, art director, video artist, and VJ. Studied at Kharkiv State Academy of design and Arts. Has Bachelor’s degree in Design.
Anton Tkachenko – was born in 1994 in Kharkiv. He graduated from Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. He works with the theme of memory, including cities, and in his projects, he places great emphasis on architecture in general and the organization of space in particular. Anton Tkachenko is an artist, curator, co-founder of the self-organized space 127 garage, member of the VIDSOTOK art group, nominee of the MUKhi and NonStopMedia festivals. Took part in exhibitions in Ukraine (Kharkiv, Lviv, Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Poltava, Sumy), Poland, Austria, and Portugal. Since the beginning of Russian full-scale invasion based in Lviv region (the western part of Ukraine).
Svitlana Zhitnya
Anton Tkachenko
Cooperated with
Supported by
BMKOES_Sektion_Kunst_und Kultur
Kulturamtes der Stadt Graz
Kulturabteilung des Landes Steiermark
Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian artists