other spaces + places
Paul Kollenprat 1900–1973
The family has been living at the house in Loibltal/Brodi 1 for four years when Paul is born as Neža and Miha’s sixth child into a century that has just begun. For more than seven decades, the house on the road has remained his home where each of his paths through life has started. It is also the home he returns to, the place he shapes with his doings and fills with his life: through a time of disruption and uncertain realignments on all levels, up until today.
Loibltal 1 visits Laafeld 30/Brodi 1 visits Potrna 30
Dati osebnim spominom in pripovedovanemu prostor, da bi preteklo postalo vidno. To jilj umetniškega kolektiva Rhizom, ki od leta 2015 uprizarja INTERFERENCE, v katerih Petra Kohlenprath sledi življenjskim potem svojih prednikov, otrokom njenih prastaršev, rojenih v Brodeh med letom 1888 in 1919. V žarišču predstavljenega dela je Anton Kohlenprat, ki se je leta 1936 v Kragujeavcu poročil z Justine Beljak iz Kapele pri Radencih. S pripovedovanjem iz perspektive fotografij, razglednic in pisem plavajo meje med »mi in oni« in politični sistemi, ki zaznamujejo družbo, izgubijo svojo moč v korist empatičnih, dojemljivih odločb posameznih oseb.
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These are the last words of George Floyd, a 46-year-old man who died as a US police officer pinned him down, kneeling on his neck for almost nine minutes. (source: avaaz.org) LINK